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Making Recommendation


As a data analyst, your job is to empower your client to make better decisions, using insights gathered from carefully studying your evaluation of the data.

For that to happen, you have to package your ideas and judgements into a format which can be easily understood by your clients. The report you present to your client needs to be focused on making yourself understood and encouraging intelligent, bold, data-based decision making.

In this use case we are discussing, summarize all the points you recommend that the business does to increase sales? Tell, Why? 

It’s always a good idea to state your clients’ assumptions about the business in your report. Use a simple graphic/visualization to illustrate your Interpretation of Data as a conclusion. Then put forward your recommendations to increase Sales.

For example, the recommendations could be like:

Decline in sales relative to the target is linked to the decline in advertising relative to past advertising expenses. 
We have no good evidence to believe that Digital Marketing has been as successful as we had hoped. 
Let's return advertising to the levels six months ago to see if teens respond. 

Remember, an analysis is useful only if it’s assembled into a form that facilitates decisions. It’s your job to make sure your voice is heard and your clients make good decisions on the basis of what you have to say.

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