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Observational Data


Your company conducts surveys on a regular basis. They take a random, representative sample of consumers and ask them a bunch of relevant questions about how they feel about their product.

What people say in surveys does not always go with how they react in reality, but it never hurts to collect the data.

To effectively summarize the survey data, use the method of comparison with previous data. Data is interesting only in comparison to other data.

If a statistic seems interesting or useful, you need to explain why in terms of how that statistic compares to others.

If you’re not explicit about it, that’s bad analysis because you’re assuming that your client will make the comparison on their own.

Comparisons are key for observational data. Observational Study is a study where the people being observed decide on their own which groups they belong to.

Whereas in experiments, you decide which groups people go into.


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