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Back to routine


Back to routine. Whether we like it or not, we all have to fall into some sort of routine - to be productive. New year resolutions that we took in December might have already been broken in the first 3 days of the new year. Because December last week until yesterday was the Holiday season, so there is a strong urge to delay our resolutions atleast until today. 

There is nothing wrong here. Because our mind and body were in a holiday mood, hence delaying our resolutions to 3 more days really makes sense. More we push ourselves to be artificially aggressive to stick to resolutions, the more tired our body and mind becomes - and more likely the resolutions for this year does not even get past the month January. 

Suppose if our new year resolution is dedicating 10 hours per week on Arts/Music, it is perfectly ok if we have a slow start of 2 hours per week in the month January and then slowly pick up the pace. When we start something new, it's always wise to go at a pace which our schedule allows. 

Rather than being disappointed with not completing 10 hours/week in Arts/Music in the month of January and then give up on that resolution - it's far more realistic to start slow and then pick it up. Key is not giving up. Not having the guilty feeling about missing our target for a day/week/month and still keep going is the recipe for success.

I have made few resolutions this year to write more Tech/STEM articles which connect with everyone consistently among others. I will try to stick to the above method and see how it goes this year. 

Usually I don't publish my new year goals for the fear of failure to sticking to them. But what I have realized over the years is by publishing our goals publicly in fact helps us to stick to our goals. What's your goal and your plan to stick to the same this year :)?  

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